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Members of VFW Post 1540 get together to clean the Korea and Vietnam Memorial. Many of those present are Vietnam War vets! L-R:  Stephen Kokubun, Sherman Willis, Nick Young, Pat Suenaga, John Kahaloa, Peter Hirai VFW Comrades (seated L-R) Pat Suenaga, John Kahaloa, (standing L-R) Stephen Kokubun, Sherman Willis, Oskar Ramirez, CDR Nick Young learn about the 5 Signs of Emotional Distress! Vietnam Vets John Kahaloa and Pat Suenaga hard at work cleaning the memorial. Each of the Iraqi Freedom Vets Savali Sunia and Curtis VFW Post 1540 chips in to clean the Korea-Vietnam War Memorial. Vietnam Vet Sherman Willis hard at work cleaning the memorial P. Hirai, P. Suenaga, and J. Kahaloa learn about the 5 Signs of Emotional Distress